Swayam - School for Special Children
Swayam - School for Special Children
Swayam - School for Special Children
Swayam - School for Special Children

We are seeking funds to fulfill the needs of SWAYAM School for Special Children

Help Us By Paying Entire Education Expence Purchasing our Products Paying School Fees Educational Material Workshop Apparatus Yearly Expenses Donation in Cash

SWAYAM The Special School

SWAYAM is an institute for mentally challenged. It was founded on the 25" day of June in the year 1990 at Kasaba Bavada, Kolhapur, under the guidance of the Red Cross Society of India and is duly recognized by the government. It is a registered Public Trust organization presided over by the Dist. Collector. The school has a strength of 97 students, 40 of them are taken care of through government aid while the remaining 57 being provided for from the funds available to the Red Cross Society of India.

Early intervention and provision of special education required for children with disabilities are the main aims of the institute. It helps each child develop adaptive skills also known as life skills such as daily living, social skills & occupational awareness.

How Can You HELP US?

Entire Education

Adopting a child for entire education

Yearly Expenses/Donating Cash

Adopting a child fro yearly expenses

Educational Material

Donation in terms of school uniforms, educational aids, sports material.

Construction Material

Donation in terms of providing material for building constrcution.

Digital Material

Providing CCTV Camera,Computers,TV,Musical Instrument etc.

Swayam - School for Special Children

Diwali Gift Packs

For Order Contact Us - 9370497600

We need following things @SWAYAM School for Special Children

Our Future Plans Independent playground Agro Project Modern Library Art Center


स्वयंम मतिमंद मुलांच्या शाळेकडून सुरु असलेला उपक्रम खरोखरच स्तुत्य आहे. या संस्थेकडे पाहून ‘समाज ऋणाची’ जाणीव प्रगल्भ होण्यास मदत होते. आगामी आयुष्यात समाजातल्या ‘मतिमंद’ मानून दुर्लक्षल्या गेलेल्या घटकासाठी काहीतरी मदत केलीच पाहिजे हा दृढनिश्चय आम्ही सर्वजण करत आहोत.

डॉ.डी. वाय. पाटील शिक्षण संस्था.

शाळेला अचानक भेट दिली. शाळा पाहून खूप आनंद झाला. प्राचार्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली शिक्षकांनी मुलांवर घेतलेली मेहनत जाणवली. मुलांची प्रगती पाहून आनंद वाटला. मुलांनी स्वतंत्रपणे गोष्टी, गाणी म्हणून दाखवली. हे विशेष कौतुकास्पद वाटले.

सौ. वृषाली पराडकर

SOCIETY says we are SPECIAL GOD says we are PERFECT

We are seeking funds to fulfill the needs of SWAYAM School for Special Children.

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